10 Apr 2024

How can I improve my hot water this winter?

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If you have noticed your hot water is not great it is a good time to get it sorted now before winter.

There are 3 ways you can improve your hot water

Upgrade to a new electric hot water cylinder. This will make a big difference as modern cylinders are more efficient with far better insulation.

Call us to check all the hot water cylinder valves are functioning correctly and set at the right levels.

Ensure your hot water cylinder is the appropriate size for the number of occupants in your house.

There are many ways hot water cylinders can be installed now, outside, to roof spaces and garage areas. When you call us we can advise you the best options for your property.

A hot water cylinder should last 15-20 years, but it is critical to check them regularly, especially the older models as they can cause extensive damage to houses when their leaks are left undetected for periods of time.

By upgrading your cylinder or checking the valves are all functioning correctly you may reduce your power bill (provided usage remains at the same level). The new cylinders have protection measures in place to reduce damage to houses if they are to leak.

Generally it will cost between $3100-$3500 plus GST building and electrical connection to upgrade your cylinder.

We pride ourselves on delivering a high level of service and finding the most cost effective solution for our customers.

Call us today to chat about your hot water needs so we can ensure you aren't left hopping around in a cold shower this winter.

If you would like to watch video's on these topics you can check them out on our You Tube channel here

Call 0800 12 13 12 and speak to our friendly office team or email us on east tamaki@laserplumbing.co.nz

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Things to be aware of with your hot water cylinder heading in to winter

How long should a hot water cylinder last?

What if I want to increase size of my cylinder but I don't have the room?